Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Converge or not???

This past Monday night was one hell of a concert. Adult Swim presents Mastadon and Dethklok.....killer show based on the title alone. I had some pretty high expectations walking into the Pan Am Monday night....but I left feeling a little uneasy.

Kicking off the set at 630p was High on Fire. They were good. Nice metal sound, great performance on stage, the whole kit-n-kaboodle. Next up was Converge......the band that can be blamed for this blog today. Converge did not impress me at all. I was actually quite let down by them. The lead singer reminded me a 4-year-old with unmedicated ADD and on a caffiene rush to boot. I was almost ready to go home and watch TV instead of stick around for the rest of the show. Then came Mastadon.....they rocked it. I loved their performance! I've heard some mixed reveiws from listeners about the Mastadon set....but personally, I think it was great. Dethklok needs no justification from me....they blew my expectations right out of the water. Metal metal metal!!! you can never get enough!

But now back to my topic on Converge. I had never heard of them before the night of the concert. Then, as is the way of the universe, they are all I seem to be hearing about ever since! A few friends of mine were a little hurt with my ADD interpretation of the band. So I'm willing to give them another chance.......I checked out Converge's myspace. I'm gonna say, they're recorded stuff is much better than what I caught live....but I'm still not impressed. So now they have another chance to prove themselves, because they are going to be making an appearance on Full Metal Jakki this Friday night (11/20). So check em out, and help me settle this war within my heart. I love metal, but I can't decide of this band is worthy of my love or not.

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