Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What the Cluck?!?!?!

When a city council meeting is in the midst of discussing a Backyard Hen Ordinance, who will speak for the hens? Something tells me this guy doesn't even need to say a word to get his point across:-) WAS the key peice of evidence....

In Twinsburg, Ohio the police have pretty much everything they need to provce John Ford robbed FirstMerit Bank last week. They have his pistol. They found the Ford Escort getaway car, they even have the ink stained cash he ellegedly stole. What they don't have is the demand note he handed tellers when he pulled off the heist. Why? This video should explain.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Video Premier of Halestorm's "It's Not You"

Hey hey hey! We all know I'm a Halestorm groupie! And today, their new video for "It's Not You" is premiering on AOL's Noisecreep. Check it out.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Blow up dolls

katy perry
see more Lol Celebs
Gotta love Katy Perry.....even if she is banging the gayest straight man in Britain.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Death to All But Metal!!!!!!

Steel gotta love em. I mean seriously, they're myspace headline is "We did your mom in the 80's" can you not love that!?!? ha! Well this week, Steel Panther's single "Death to all but Metal" is iTunes' featured song of the week....and you can download it free right now. Click here and you've got the hook-up! No need to thank me, its what I was put on Earth do do:-)

Familiar Taste of Poison

First off.....I am a HUGE Halestorm fan. I can't get enough of them! Lzzy Hale.....God I wish I looked like that. Click this link to check out a live cut of their new release "Familiar Taste of Poison."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Captain America is Rock Paper Scissor Champ!!!!

Ok...not really. But this guy would have never caught my attention if it weren't for the outfit:) I mean, if he'd been wearing jeans it just wouldn't have been as good!

PS- next year I want to compete!!!!

Converge or not???

This past Monday night was one hell of a concert. Adult Swim presents Mastadon and Dethklok.....killer show based on the title alone. I had some pretty high expectations walking into the Pan Am Monday night....but I left feeling a little uneasy.

Kicking off the set at 630p was High on Fire. They were good. Nice metal sound, great performance on stage, the whole kit-n-kaboodle. Next up was Converge......the band that can be blamed for this blog today. Converge did not impress me at all. I was actually quite let down by them. The lead singer reminded me a 4-year-old with unmedicated ADD and on a caffiene rush to boot. I was almost ready to go home and watch TV instead of stick around for the rest of the show. Then came Mastadon.....they rocked it. I loved their performance! I've heard some mixed reveiws from listeners about the Mastadon set....but personally, I think it was great. Dethklok needs no justification from me....they blew my expectations right out of the water. Metal metal metal!!! you can never get enough!

But now back to my topic on Converge. I had never heard of them before the night of the concert. Then, as is the way of the universe, they are all I seem to be hearing about ever since! A few friends of mine were a little hurt with my ADD interpretation of the band. So I'm willing to give them another chance.......I checked out Converge's myspace. I'm gonna say, they're recorded stuff is much better than what I caught live....but I'm still not impressed. So now they have another chance to prove themselves, because they are going to be making an appearance on Full Metal Jakki this Friday night (11/20). So check em out, and help me settle this war within my heart. I love metal, but I can't decide of this band is worthy of my love or not.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My opinion of Swine Flu (H1N1)

Bye Bye Piglet!!!!


I know, I know.....I have no shame.

New Video from DEAD BY SUNRISE

So Chester Bennington of Linkin Park fame has finally gotten that rock bug up his butt again. This time he's striking out with his new band, Dead By Sunrise. You've heard me spin "Crawl Back In" for the past few weeks on air. The band's got potential, that's for sure. So if you'd like another little taste of their debut album Out of the Ashes, click this cool word riiiiiiigggghhhhtttt HERE!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Does the carpet match the drapes?

Well we don't have any drapes in the I can't say that it does. But we did get some brand spanking new carpets into the studios recently. Looks nice. I loved it! Until about 10 minutes ago...

One thing everyone knows about me....I'm not perfect:-) I stutter, I try to create new words and expect my listeners to know what the hell I'm talking about, and I can't remember someone's first name for more than 15 seconds. Its all part of my charm. The other part of my charm that you, as an auditory audience, misses out on is that I am a complete and total clutz. Really. Can't walk and chew gum at the same time, it is that bad.

So why have I declared our new and beautiful carpet as my mortal enemy? It all started when I sat down after a quick trip to the loo. I have a pretty comfy office chair I use when I'm on air.....that apparently refuses to glide smoothly over the new carpet. As I sat down, the wheels on the chair caught on the new digs in the studio....and I landed on my face...with the chair on top of me. Our GM is in the midst of installing security cameras throughout the building....and all I have to say is thank God that there isn't one in MY studio yet....or I'm sure I'd be a youtube sensation by tomorrow evening.

Horns up!!!

Why hello that a Rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see me????

Welcome to my Blast is where i will allow the overflow of my show to collect. If you've been rocking out with me regularly, then you know how I am. I could NEVER possibly cover all of the cool sh*t that I find in just one afternoon, and I'm tired of jipping you out on the fun.

So from here on out.....when I find a something I feel is worth of my fellow rockers.....I'll BLAST it.

You have been warned.

Love, Peace, and nasty nasty chicken grease!!!!
